Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Assignment 10

Blog Assignment 10 (Due: April 28, 11:59 pm): How are you inspired by Steve Job's life story?

Steve Job's life story inspired me in many ways, but the main way was how he didnt let failure stop him from continuing to strive for success. Steve Job dropped out of college which to many people would have meant they would never succeeded in life. However, Steve Job's kept attending class and kept a strong interest in learning which led him to be one of the most succesfull people in the world. This is inspiring for me because it means one failure will not keep you from doing bigger and better things in life. Steve Job's accepted the challenge and succeeded. He passed everyone's expectations and showed how good you can be if you beleive in yourself. This is revelalant in knowledge management becasue new ideas and experimenting is a major part of knowledge management. Steve Job is a great example of someone taking full advantage of knowledge management.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Assignment 9

Blog Assignment 9 (Due April 20 11:59 pm): Post a blog to answer any one of the two questions listed above.  How can knowledge management support design-driven innovation?

Knowledge management supports design driven innovation by allowing employees to think outside of the box. Knowledge managers do not want traditional employees that only perform the tasks asked of them. Knowledge managers like employees that have new ideas and try out new theories. Employees in a design driven environment are encourage to try out new ideas and if they fail they are encouraged to try again. Tim Brown the CEO of IDEO says the success of innovation lies in the appeal to an instinctive desire to put money aside in a painless invisible way. When you try to develop a new system, you need  to exhibit many characteristics of design thinking. In an example of implementing a new system at a hospital, shift changes had nurses passing out information about the patients in front of the pateints rooms instead of the nurse stand. In only a week there was a new procedure where nurses could call up previous shift change notes with the help of their new software. They could put patient information into the system throughout their shift instead of waiting to the end of their shift to do this. The result was higher quality of information and reduced prep time which benefited nurses and patients.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Assignment 8

Blog Assignment 8: Find and describe a real-world application of neural networking technology.

ALYUDA uses neural networking technology with their innovative algorithms and acknowledged expertise. They are a trusted provider of software soltions that uses artificial intelligence. The company's products are used globally in financial application, budgeting, planning, human resources, process control, and scientific applications. The tools and solutions of ALYUDA are based on the algorithms of neural networking. Theire algorithms can be applied in a wide range of neural network based solutions from forecasting tools to data anylsis. They use neural networking because it is the most efficient artificial intelligence for pattern recognition. These pattern recognitions can be directly applied for business purposes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Assignment 7

Blog Assignment #7 (Due: Mar 23 11:59 pm): Read a chapter that your group did not sign up to present in the e-book entitled 10 radical strategies for the new economy. Post a blog to discuss how the topic is related to knowledge management.

In chapter 5 of the radical strategies for the new economy stragies are discussed based on what phase a network is in. There is a prestandard phase with high innovation, high hopes, and high ambition. There are no experts in this phase so everyone is an expert and can compete. Easy entry draws many competitors.

 Two examples of networks in this stage are online video and e-money. There are many competing methods with equal prospects. Both ways have high uncertainty but both have equal hopes. Networks in this phase usually reduce to a few that shine above the others. During this time network demand is the most important part of survival.

The final stage in the cycle of networks is the embedded phase where one phase is widely accepted because of technology. One certain technique usually rises above the other and the continuously increasing technology of this technique keeps this way succeeding.

In any stage of innovation standards are valuable because they hasten innovation. Agreements are seen as constriants on uncertainty. The constraints pf one way allow for further innovation to accerlerate along its path. The main thing for success is to cultivate certainty that orgainzations must make the common standard for their first allegiance. As standards are established growth takes off.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Assignment 6

Blog Assignment 6: Discuss the implication(s) of the notion of flat world for knowledge-based companies.

According to Friedman, knowledge based companies are going to continue to be succesful in a flat world. Friedman says the best way to stay up with and ahead of the competition is to stay open minded and continue to have new ideas. This is basically what knowledge based companies already do. Some companies use their knowledge and aqcuire their knowledge in different ways but the goal for all knowledge based companies is the same. This goal is to have new ideas that improve the efficiency and overall success of the company. Friedman also talks about how new technologies often times make operations more difficult instead of making te operations easier and more efficient.

In todays industrys, everyone has a full supply and technologies and different options for every part of their business. Knowledge based companies are driven to more creative than their competitors. This creativity helps define the successful companies. Companies must be willing to listen to their customers and they have to br brave enough to make changes to fit their customers needs even if it is not the most popular or most update way of doing things.

According to Friedman, exploring socially responsible outsorcing is one way to help a company. Knowledge based companies that encourage social responsibility understand that employees have to be treated fair. Employees have to have a competitive salary and other benefits that keep them happy and learning.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assignment 5

Blog Assignment #5 (Due Feb 23, 11:59 pm): Post a blog to highlight the key points of and lessons learned from this videoed speech.

The speaker, John Chambers is the CEO of Cisco. When he came to the company they were worth about 70 million dollars. They are currently worth about 40 billion dollars. He has been an irresplaceable part to the success of Cisco.

John Chambers talked about change in his speech. He asked a married man if he liked change. The man said yes. Chambers then asked him if he would like to change his spouse and the man acted nervous and unneasy. Chambers compared this to change in business. No one wants to change something that is comfortable to them, but in business change is a necessity. Without change your compnay is going to fall behind. You have to change to stay with the new trends even if the change at the time feels uncomfortable.

Chambers also talked about how important it is to listen to your customers. If you do not produce products your customers want then there is no reason to be producing te products. Chambers said the next generation of businesses will rely on collaboration and teamwork.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Assignment 4

Blog Assignment #4 (Due: Feb 16, 11:59 pm): Discuss how the knowledge spiral framework interpret the knowledge creation activities in Nucor Steel.

Nucor Steel is a great example of a compnay that knows how to use knowledge. In a failing industry, Nucor Steel has been a success. Nucor Steel has used superior human capitol by placing plants in rural areas that have an abundance of hard working people. They offered top of the line compensation which allowed them to attract many interested people. 1200 people applied for 8 positions at Nucor Steel which gave them the opportunity to be extremely selective. Nucor Steel also uses continuous on the job training and multifuncitonal training. They also use an incentive program for every employee which helps Nucor Steel gain more knowledge from their employees.

Nucor Steel was able to successfully use the incentive program for new ideas becasue of the great rewards for the employee with the new idea. The first incentive was the only way for employees to earn a bonus was to come up with a new way to increase productivity. The second was that the employees only got the bonus if their idea worked properly so this lead to ideas working right the first time. Finally there was no upper cap on how large an employees bonus can be so employees keep coming up with new ways to increase productivity.

Whenever employees are encouraged to experiment there will always be some failure. Nucor Steel tolerates this failure in hope that a succcess will follow a failure. Nucor Steel also used breakthrough technologies before their competitors. This was risky but it paid off because they were able to get ahead of their competitors. Nucor Steel's social ecology allowed them to excel with sharing and mobilizing knowledge.