Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assignment 5

Blog Assignment #5 (Due Feb 23, 11:59 pm): Post a blog to highlight the key points of and lessons learned from this videoed speech.

The speaker, John Chambers is the CEO of Cisco. When he came to the company they were worth about 70 million dollars. They are currently worth about 40 billion dollars. He has been an irresplaceable part to the success of Cisco.

John Chambers talked about change in his speech. He asked a married man if he liked change. The man said yes. Chambers then asked him if he would like to change his spouse and the man acted nervous and unneasy. Chambers compared this to change in business. No one wants to change something that is comfortable to them, but in business change is a necessity. Without change your compnay is going to fall behind. You have to change to stay with the new trends even if the change at the time feels uncomfortable.

Chambers also talked about how important it is to listen to your customers. If you do not produce products your customers want then there is no reason to be producing te products. Chambers said the next generation of businesses will rely on collaboration and teamwork.

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